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Everything will be okay. ♡

What do you need help with?

Coping with stress

Try one of these activities below:
♥︎ Do exercise
♥︎ Read a book
♥︎ Have a 'me' time
♥︎ Clean up your room
♥︎ Talk to a friend
♥︎ Take a nap or sleep
♥︎ Play a musical instrument
♥︎ Singing
♥︎ Walking
♥︎ Watch a funny movie

A stressful situation

Change the stressful situation:
♥︎ Avoid unnecessary stress
♥︎ Alter the situation
Change the reaction to stress:
♥︎ Adapt to the stressor
♥︎ Accept the things you cannot change

Expressing your feelings

♥︎ State what you are feeling at that time and
state the reason why.
♥︎ Elaborate on why you are feeling that way, avoiding saying ‘you’ as much as possible.
♥︎ State a possible solution if something similar
ever happens in the future.
3 Essential Steps of I-Message:
♥︎ I really felt bad when . . .
♥︎ I felt very anxious by . . .
♥︎ I would appreciate it if . . .

Avoiding negative self-talk

Rumination (noun)
The tendency to think over and over about the
causes, factors and consequences of a negative emotional experience.
♥︎ Identify the thoughts that are ruminating in
our minds.
♥︎ Identify the negative things we tell ourselves.
♥︎ Refute these thoughts if we can or do something about it, or learn from it if there is some truth in those thoughts.
If you think: "I can't do this. It's too hard."
Try thinking: "I can do this by breaking it down
into smaller steps."

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